The story behind the scar!
Great mention in the Daily Mail yesterday!
Yes it’s my husband and the story behind his scar!
But it’s a great story of how Pilates can really help you. Read the article HERE
After my husband had his accident 3 years ago. He didn’t know if he would ride again. Wasn’t even sure if he wanted to
But he’s determined and the one thing he did religiously was his physio exercises and the Pilates ones I gave him too.
He was back out on his bike within 6 months and is fitter than before.
It’s a great example that whatever age you are you can be strong and fit. Pilates can play a major part of it.
So if Pilates has taken a back seat lately then maybe it’s time to get back to it
You only need 10 minutes a day to do Pilates and make a difference to your mind & body.