How to keep your Pilates practice going during
hot weather UK
We are in the middle of some very hot weather in the UK (July 2022) and I have noticed my Pilates classes have been quieter.
Is this because people are making the most of this glorious weather or because they are just zapped of energy?
I think it’s possible a bit of both. We are not use to this weather so it takes us by surprise and we don’t know how to fuel and look after our bodies as well.
3 Top Tips to do Pilates in Hot weather uk
1. Time of day
If you are fortunate to belong to a studio with air conditioning then it doesn’t matter when you train. If you practice at home then why not take your mat outside , early morning is wonderful and cool and can set you up for the day, or find a shady spot and do it there.
Great ways to beat the hot weather uk and get your Pilates done.
2. Drink plenty of water
Before during and after your Pilates class/practice. You might not think it’s important for Pilates but you’d be amazed how much you sweat . A good hydration test is the colour of your pee, the darker it is you probably need more water
3. Clothing is so important,
Yes even for Pilates. You need layers, things that are comfortable. If the venue you train in is a Village Hall and no air conditioning this is so important. Especially if you get sweaty, it’s important to wear the right clothes e.g sports bra that won’t chaff, vest tops and leggings/shorts.
Read my blog What should I wear fto my Pilates class to find out more about Pilates clothing
It’s important to keep your regular practice going but you might have to make a few changes. Make sure you listen to your body, change the time of day you practice or do a shorter Pilates practice session.
That’s where the Pilates for runners membership
could be the perfect answer in this weather, anytime, anywhere and only 10 minutes.